Egress from Simon Data


In addition to syncing data to your end channels, Simon Data produces a number of data artifacts that can be made available to your organization in different ways depending on your deployment.

Simon Object Definitions and Details

Simon’s Composable application operates on a database within Snowflake instance. Our application creates various schemas within this database to organize the objects it produces. The schemas that are created and the data within them will vary depending on the parts of the application you use.

See the subpages for additional details:

  • SD_ACTIVATION (for internal use) (Connected only)
  • SD_SEGMENTATION (Connected only)
  • SD_TRANSFORMATION (Connected only)

Campaign Event Data

Simon's Composable application produces event data for every sync operation it performs. This data is intended to support reporting on Simon campaigns in your downstream BI tool. See the subpage on Campaign Event Data for more details.

Simon Object Metadata (within the SD_APP_DATA Snowflake schema)

This schema contains metadata about the objects you've built in your Simon instance, including segments, campaigns, datasets, and more. This information can be leveraged to augment your downstream reporting using our Campaign Event Data. See the subpage on SD_APP_DATA for more details.

Query Tagging

Simon tags the Snowflake queries generated by our application. This tag is for Simon internal use. It contains the application within Simon that generated our query. It's not backward compatible and subject to change without notice.