
Simon Data connects to Facebook to create and maintain custom audiences. Those custom audiences can be used to build lookalikes and directly retarget using Facebook Ads. Simon does not extract any information from Facebook.


Custom Audience Names

Note that all Custom Audiences created in Facebook will be named after the underlying Simon segment.


Use Cases

  • Improve ROAS by suppressing your known, already loyal and active customers from acquisition campaigns. This ensures you’re not wasting your budget on marketing to already-loyal customers and not offering new customer deals and discounts to those who don’t qualify.
  • For customers that made their first purchase, encourage them to join your loyalty program and get a certain amount of points for signing up in a specific time frame.
  • If you plan to have an event or sponsorship near a specific area, create audiences with that specific location and a signup sheet to encourage customers to go.
  • Ask for new customer referrals in exchange for discounts and gifts by encouraging feedback on social media or your website with your highest LTV customers.



Before you begin

  1. From the left navigation, click Integrations.
  2. Scroll to Facebook, then click Add (or Edit if you're making changes).
  3. Paste your Facebook Business ID into the Business IDs field. If you have more than one, separate the values by commas. It's very important you do this before authorizing in Facebook or you'll have to start over.
  4. Click Save Changes.
  5. Log out of your Facebook business account.
  6. Click OAuth Link in the integration description (highlighted in the image above).
  7. Accept the audience terms and conditions for every ad account you want to authorize in Simon. You can authorize multiple ad accounts for every one business manager ID, but you need to accept custom audience terms of service for each.
  8. Successful connections display Connected in green. Note, if your Facebook credentials change and you need to re-authorize, it will still display Connected in Simon so you need to track that in your Facebook account.


Sync Contact To Custom Audience

This action syncs your Simon segment to a Custom Audience in Facebook in order to create a remarketing campaign.

Configuration Parameters

Account IDThe Facebook business account that you want the audience to be created in.
List NameThe action creates an audience using the name in this field. The default name is (Simon): <NAME_OF_FLOW> unless you uncheck it and specify otherwise. If you're using an existing list name in your Facebook account, be sure to match it exactly.
Amplify your Audience using Match+Check to use Match+ if available. Learn more about Match+ here.
Use Multi-Key Fields to Increase Match RateCheck to send all the checked contact fields using Multi-Key. If you need additional fields, please submit a support request.

Hover over the information icon to view the specific field we're sending.

Sync Contact To Value-Based Audience

This action syncs your Simon segment to a Custom Audience in Facebook. The Sync Contact to Custom Audience action will add and remove customers as they enter and exit the segment, based on the criteria for the particular segment. This flow keeps your custom audience dynamic in Facebook.

To get started:

  1. Create a flow.
  2. Under Destination, choose the Facebook channel then the Sync Contact to Value-Based Audience action.
  3. Configure the parameters described below:

Configuration Parameters

Account IDThe Facebook business account that you want the audience to be created in.
List NameThe action creates an audience using the name in this field. The default name is (Simon): <NAME_OF_FLOW> unless you uncheck it and specify otherwise. If you're using an existing list name in your Facebook account, be sure to match it exactly.
Use Multi-Key Fields to Increase Match RateCheck to send all the checked contact fields using Multi-Key. If you need additional fields, please submit a support request.

Hover over the information icon to view the specific field we're sending.
Customer Value The Customer Value lets you choose a numerical property that represents a customer's value to your business. Facebook will use this information from the seed audience Simon creates to determine which users in a Lookalike Audience may be worth most to you. To enable new target value properties, contact your account manager.

The customer value must be a contact property.

Add Contact To Customer Match Audience

The Add Contact To Custom Audience action will create a new audience in Facebook and add contacts to the audience. Contacts are not removed from the audience by Simon.

Configuration Parameters

Ad Account The Facebook business account that you want the audience to be created in.
Audience Name orList ConfigurationThe action creates an audience using the name in this field. The default name is

(Simon): <NAME_OF_FLOW>.

In a Journey, choose to create a new list with the default name (Simon): <NAME_OF_JOURNEY>or use an existing list. Type the name of the list exactly as it appears in Facebook.
Use Multi-Key Fields to Increase Match RateCheck to send all the checked contact fields using Multi-Key. If you need additional fields, please submit a support request.
Hover over the information icon to view the specific field we're sending.

Add Contact To Value-Based Audience

Configuration Parameters

Ad Account The Facebook business account that you want the audience to be created in.
Audience Name


List Configuration
The action creates an audience using the name in this field. The default name is (Simon): <NAME_OF_FLOW>.

In a Journey, choose to create a new list with the default name
(Simon): <NAME_OF_JOURNEY> or use an existing list. Type the name of the list exactly as it appears in Facebook.
Contact Fields Select one or more contact fields to be sent to Facebook in order to increase your match rate. Email address is a required field.
Customer Value The Customer Value lets you choose a numerical property that represents a customer's value to your business. Facebook will use this information from the seed audience Simon creates to determine which users in a Lookalike Audience may be worth most to you. To enable new target value properties, contact your account manager.

More details on Value-Based Lookalike Audiences can be found in the Facebook Developer Center.