Support Center
When you need help, use the Support Center to submit a request. You can submit requests for information, setup, issues, etc. or give us product feedback. Follow your request as it progresses, review and add comments and supporting materials.
Getting Started
To open the Support Center, from the left navigation click Support Center.

You have two options:
- Submit a Request: If you need help setting something up, need help understanding something, or need to report an issue use this option and we will follow up with you.
- Give Us Product Feedback: How can we make Simon better for you? We'd love to know! Let us know here. We may or may not follow up in the future.
View existing requests
The Support Center dashboard displays your requests categorized into three sections:

Section | Description |
Open | New requests, not yet reviewed, or in progress by the Simon team |
Action Required | We need a response or action from you to progress on this request |
Closed | The request is complete, or you closed it |

From this dashboard, you can quickly view support ticket Subjects, when it was initially submitted, its current status, who submitted the request, when it was last updated, and the current priority.
- Requests are sorted ascending by the initial submission date.
- Use the ticket numbers in the first column to easily reference open or previously closed tickets.
- If a blue dot displays next to the subject name, you have a new or unread comment from us. Click the subject name to open and view.
Request status types
Status Type | Description | Dashboard Location |
New | Recently created requests, not yet reviewed | Open |
Open | Requests that have been reviewed by a member of our team and are currently being worked on | Open |
Pending | Requests that require a response or action from your team to further progress | Action Required |
Closed | Requests that require no further action | Closed |
Submit a request
- After clicking Submit a Request, complete these fields:
Request Type: From the drop-down, choose the option that most closely fits your need.
- I need help setting up: integrations, admin setup, etc.
- I need help understanding: how to do something, clarifying functionality, etc.
- I have an issue with: something isn't performing as expected
- Subject: Try to be as specific as possible so you can follow the request in your Support Center dashboard easily.
- Description: Be as descriptive as possible about your request, including any links to your Simon platform that will help a team member assist you. You can include screenshots at the bottom of the support request, or after it's open, in comments. Please also provide context about why you chose the suggested due date and urgency (selected below).
- Suggested Due Date: Choose the date you would like this request resolved by. If we can't complete the request by that date, a team member will contact you to let you know.
- Urgency:
How impactful is this request to your team completing their work? We'll address urgent tickets as soon as possible and all other tickets will be prioritized according to their designated urgency.
When selecting the urgency, it's best to consider the urgency associated with other open tickets for your team so we can prioritize accordingly.
You can change the urgency at any time by clicking the ticket title in the dashboard, then selecting and saving the new urgency.
- Product:
- Use the drop-down to choose the area of Simon that this request concerns; base this on the left navigation choices.
- Once you've chosen a product area, you can then drill down further to choose a feature to provide even more specificity. For example, if you need help with Customer360, you'd first choose Segments, then choose Customer360 from the second drop down
- Attachments: Include any screenshots, videos, or other files that can help us complete your request.
- Click Choose File, then hold the command key to select multiple files.
- You can also drag files directly from your file folder or finder into the field.
- Attachments are optional, but are helpful in solutioning your request.
- You can also add attachments after you've submitted the ticket, in the comments section. You can include five attachments max, up to 50 MB per file.
- Click Submit. You'll get an email confirming your request. If it's after hours, you'll also receive an automated email confirming our office hours. Your new request will be displayed at the bottom of the Support Center dashboard.
View request details or edit a request
- From the Support Center dashboard, click the title for the request you're looking for.
- The request detail pane opens. From here, you can edit the urgency:
- You can view comments and add your own.
- You can add additional files, screenshots, or screen recordings. Just type something in the comment field and the option to add a file will appear.
Add a colleague to a request
To add a colleague to your request so they can follow updates, CC them on any of the support center emails you receive or add them in the CC field in the ticket when you create it.
Close a request
- From the Support Center dashboard, click the title for the request you're looking for.
- Click the ellipsis, then click Close Request.

Be sure you want to close the request because as soon as you click this option, the request closes with no other confirmation opportunity.
You can't reopen the request once closed. If you have the same request, please create a new request.
Give us product feedback
Use this option to tell us how we can make Simon better for you. We may or may not follow up in the future to discuss your feedback. After clicking Give Us Product Feedback, complete the following fields:
- Subject: Try to be as specific as possible.
- Description: Be as descriptive as possible about your request, including any links to your Simon platform that will help a team member assist you. You can include screenshots at the bottom of the submission.
- Urgency: How impactful is this request to your team completing their work? Keep in mind, your product feedback may not be implemented but it's helpful for us to understand the priority of each piece of feedback you provide.
- Product Choose the related Product based on the left navigation, then get even more specific by choosing a feature. See more details here.
- Attachments: Include any screenshots, videos, or other files that can help us complete your request.
- Click Choose File, then hold the command key to select multiple files.
- You can also drag files directly from your file folder or finder into the field.
- Attachments are optional, but are helpful in solving your request.
- You can also add attachments after you've submitted the ticket, in the comments section.
- You can include five attachments max, up to 50 MB per file.
Updated 5 months ago