Sub-Processors and Sub-Service Organizations
The following table describes the countries and legal entities engaged in storage, processing, or handling of client data by Simon Data. This also includes organizations that are providing services or tooling that are essential in the delivery of Simon's service to its customers.
Entity Name | Location | Simon's Use |
Actable * | United States | Actable supports our Simon Predict offering by providing the machine learning infrastructure that trains our predictive models and scores our customers daily. |
Amazon Web Services, Inc. | United States, Europe | Amazon Web Services (AWS) is used for all product hosting and data storage for the Simon platform, this is inclusive of security infrastructure. |
FullContact, Inc. * | United States | Simon Data leverages FullContact’s identity graph to create a deterministic association between Client-provided data and FullContact appended data. |
Stitch Data * | United States | Stitch Data is used to programmatically extract data for services that Simon does not currently have an official integration with. Stitch is used to extract data from third party SaaS tools and load that into a data warehouse that Simon controls for downstream use within the Simon platform. |
Snowflake Computing | United States, Europe | Simon Data leverages Snowflake as a data warehouse for serving up various data products for customers within the Simon platform. Simon loads data into Snowflake for use within our reporting and predictive products leveraging end-to-end encryption. |
SparkPost * | United States | SparkPost is used to power the Simon Mail product, our end-to-end email service provider (ESP). Sparkpost is formally “MessageBird USA Inc. (dba SparkPost) |
* Note: This entity is not used for all Simon Data customers.
Supporting Services
There are other organizations that Simon partners with that do not handle customer data, but are important components of our supply chain and how we deliver value to customers.
Entity Name | Entity Country | Simon's Use |
Chameleon | United States | Chameleon is used to place segmented product announcements and microsurveys in Simon. |
Datadog | United States | Datadog is used for application monitoring and observability, and log management. |
PagerDuty | United States | PagerDuty is used to manage alerts and incidents across the Simon platform, backend infrastructure, and security. |
Slack | United States | Slack is used as a medium to provide customer service and support collaboration tool through customer-specific Slack team channels. |
Zendesk | United States | Zendesk is used as a medium to provide customer service and support through Simon's Support Center |
Updated 9 months ago